When and Where we meet:

Meetings for 2024 and 2025

We have blank spaces that should be completed in a few weeks.

Oct 3 AGM and Derek Hogan on Atlantic Salmon (I need to be confirmed)
Nov 7 Stephen Marr, President of Fredericton Trails Coalition
Dec 5 ??
Jan 2 Peter Duguid on New Zealand Birds
Feb 6 ??
March 6 Clara Thaysen & Maxwell Francioni on their trip to Point Pelee and Long Point Bird Observatory
April 3 Curt Nason on Astronomy
May 1 ??
Dec 15 Christmas Bird Count and Potluck at Stepping Stone Center

Where We Meet:

We meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6.30 PM.Please Note: Snacks and Beverages will be available.

The following steps are for any member who wants to organize an event/outing for the FNC:

Step 1. Check the calendar and make sure there are no other events/outings planned on the date you are planning your event.

Step 2. Fill out and submit our form for events/outings.

Step 3. Wait for a response from the executive.

Step 4. Once you have been given the green light, inform the webmaster by email to insert your event/outing into the calendar.

The reason for this process is to make sure that all events/outings are authorized by the FNC for insurance purposes. Also, to make sure events/outings do not overlap.